What are the Town Hall's business hours?

The Carolina Shores Town Hall is open Monday - Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.  We are closed for lunch from 12:30pm to 1:30pm.

 What are the contact numbers for the Carolina Shores Town Hall?

Emergency: 911

Phone: 910-575-4877

Fax: 910-575-4812


 I'm new to NC and need help understanding local government here. Help?

North Carolina is a modified Dillon's Rule state and does not have home rule. For more information, please visit this guide to North Carolina local government:  NC Local Government

 How should ditches be maintained?

Ditches are maintained twice per calendar year with vegetative cutting and de-mucking as needed. 

 Is the solid waste convenience sticker used as a re-entry to the Town after an evacuation?

No, the sticker only authorizes entry into the solid waste convenience site. It is not permission to re-enter the Town after an evacuation, the Town does not provide such identification. Further information can be found at: Evacuation Information

 Who is the Mayor and who are the Town Commissioners?

To get the names and contact information for the Mayor and/or the Town Commissioners please click here

 How do I get information regarding Town regulations for construction or land usage?

Please call the Town Hall for information, 910-575-4877. Some applications are available online in the "Forms" section. Completed applications must be brought into the Carolina Shores Town Hall located at 200 Persimmon Road, Carolina Shores, NC 28467.

 Do I need a permit to put up a fence?

First you must call your HOA/POA to see if fences are permitted in your community. If the answer is yes, then call the Town of Carolina Shores to determine if/where you can obtain a permit. To reach the Inspections Division call 910-575-4877.

 How much does a building permit cost?

Since fees for permits may change based on the purpose of permit or size of project, you should contact the Inspections Division at 910-575-4877 for more information.

 Do I need a permit to put in a pool?

First you must call your HOA/POA to see if pools are permitted in your community. If the answer is yes, then call the Town of Carolina Shores to determine if/where you can obtain a permit. To reach the Inspections Division call 910-575-4877.

 Who do I contact if I have a problem with my electricity?

Whether you have an emergency or just need an answer for a problem with electricity supplied to your house, you should contact Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation (BEMC) at 910-754-4391. Emergency power outages should be reported to 1-800-682-5309.

 Who do I contact if I have a water and sewer problem?

If you have a water or sewer problem that is not inside your house, you should contact Brunswick County Public Utilities (BCPU) at 910-253-4304.

 Does the Town provide mosquito control?

Mosquito control is provided by the Town of Carolina Shores. For more information, please call town hall at 910-575-4877. 

 Where do I vote?

Residents of Carolina Shores should contact Brunswick County Board of Elections for questions regarding voting at (910) 253-2620.